Category |
Item |
Comments |
Deals |
GotaApex |
This is the best deals sight I have ever found. It is updated daily, with primarily electronics and computer deals, but many others such as and Barnes and Noble. |
Friends |
Kissi Torres |
Kissi's personal Webpage. |
School |
Univ Texas |
The University is the best university in the nation. The business and engineering schools are rated in the top 10, as well as most of its sport programs. Naturally, this is where I went to school. |
UT Southwestern |
The Website for the Student Center at UT Southwestern medical school. UT Southwestern is a top tier med school, with twice as many Nobel laureates as any med school in the world. I maintain this Website (for the Student Center). |
Social |
Phi Delta Theta |
My fraternity's international Website. Although I am not a big fan of its "dry" housing policy, I a proponent of the organization as a whole. |
Sports |
Astros |
The Houston Astros are my team, and this is their Website. I am not a big fan of how long it takes to load over the modem, but it is the best place that I have found to find Astros news. |
Texas Sports |
The official site of Texas Athletics. It is a good place to go to keep current with UT sports. |